The vast majority of the Canadian Junior mining stocks are presently selling at their most undervalued price levels in history. All historical gauges used for determining value (such as reserves, resources, cash positions, insider ownership et al) indicate that many companies, with sound fundamentals and exceptional potential today merit thorough investor attention.
L’Avenir pour Argent (Silver)
On dit que tous les traders sont craintifs, voire même négatifs, quand ce n’est pas carrément au bord de l’état de panique en ce qui concerne le prix des métaux précieux.
Entree gold, Niogold..At a glance…Un coup d’oeil..There’s a sale, few take advantage of it.
ENTREE GOLD, symbols: “ETG” on the TSX, “EGI” on the NYSE, current price .52 cents, is a Canadian exploration mining company with two projects that in our opinion offer extraordinary commercial potential. focuses its analysis on resource and mining companies that are possibly undervalued
The focuses on the analysis of resource and mining companies which our analysis suggests could be undervalued. The analysis includes standard fundamentals, management, mining projects, reserves, resources, valuation of properties, exploration targets, drilling expenditures, companies’ financials and cash positions, insider ownership and who owns the shares among many factors. This site makes no attempt whatsoever to forecast price targets for any stocks nor makes […]
Some “Points to ponder” for the Junior Mining stocks!!!!
Key point and first order of business: Today we have “algorithm” trading which is designed to bring and create volume. But it is not real volume at all, rather it is a total misrepresentation of true investors buying stocks.
Ray Langevin: Mon objectif pour l’argent
Salut les amis. D’abord un mot pour éclaircir la prévision que je vous ai faite parvenir hier. J’ai affirmé que mon objectif de prix pour l’argent était 75 $.
Mining stocks in what seems to be a “Bottomless Pit Abyss”, Cancor, Canadian Zinc, Cartier, Buchans Minerals
A “Bottomless Pit”! Many events seem to occur in cycles and mining stocks are no exception. What is a Bottomless Pit Abyss? Just for an example, let’s say we have a Canadian mining stock named “Deep Drillo Mining,” a small company that has a cash position of $5 million as well as having 800,000 drill […]
“Investing in Resources, How to Profit from the Outsized Potential ” by Adrian Day.
Book Review: “Investing In Resources” is exceptionally worthwhile reading.
Gold Mining stocks…so undervalued, many are so cheap. PART ONE!
We will finish this article viewing several Canadian mining companies that our analysis suggests as severely undervalued with exceptional long term capital gains potential.
Ray Langevin au sujet des métaux précieux (Gold) stocks et Juniors….d’accord!!!
Regardant les stocks d’or que je suis habituellement, je t’envoie une mise à jour de mon avissur le comportement du prix au marché des titres de métaux précieux.