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Over looked and undervalued asset situations, worth a careful analysis!

“Canadian Zinc Corporation”….We do not have to tell you that today’s stock markets are quite inefficient and overlook numerous stocks that are exceptionally undervalued. We hear investors’ complaints constantly. As well, we should also mention that the North American brokerage industry’s greatest ability is finding and recommending specific stocks long after they are no longer […]

Apres L’or vers $1700, une descente de $300

Toutefois, pour assurer un mouvement à long terme solide, la réaccumulation doit se prolonger. Tu te souviens peut-être que j’ai écrit en septembre 2011 qu’une hausse ininterrompue de 36 mois ne peut se résoudre en quelques semaines. De plus, mon graphique momentum m’en a encore donné la preuve. Les temps d’avance et de correction sont […]

Juniors That Merit Attention

The cyclical price action of the market brings many low cap junior mining stocks into a traditionally attractive buying range. From time to time, certain stocks can be found selling at prices that have proven over the years to be excellent buying opportunities. The most successful investors make their commitment after a severe decline in […]

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