As investors, we are always looking for sources of solid and accurate information on the markets. One site that we have found to be of exceptional quality and extremely informative is “ahead of the herd.” provides a wide variety of overall market views as well as specific stock(s) and overlooked information put into a […]
Important Points on the gold market….our view
By various gauges of value, the gold and gold mining sector is the most undervalued of all the investment sectors; that should change shortly. if we judge by the lack of research coverage of gold companies we might conclude […]
The Boy Who Cried (over) Bitcoin
I’ve written about and given presentations on Bitcoin for years now. As an IT specialist with strong connections to the financial community, you’d expect me to be one of the many people blindsided by the allure of Bitcoin-based solely on its technological appeal. Imagine a reinventing of money. A completely manipulation free currency made of […]
The market for the small capitalization early stage mining and exploration companies remains very sluggish. However, we expect to see a change very soon. Since 2015, some mining stocks have been in a bull market phase and have seen substantial percentage moves up. So attention is now merited! IMPERIAL MINING GROUP on TSXV at […]
A Market Maker’s view, by Graham Murray
ROBOTIC TRADING GONE WILD (ROOMBA’S) I am a Market Maker. I represent Small Cap issues (.01-3.00) on Junior Canadian Exchanges. In simple terms, my role is to help establish an orderly Market for these Securities. I have great respect for the Corporations that pay me a fee to conduct my services on their behalf, […]
King World News: Steve Leeb
I met Steve Leeb in 1980 while working at a Wall Street firm. I have always found Steve’s analysis to be excellent. I would strongly suggest that you listen to the interview from the “King World News” website. You cannot afford to miss it.
Commentaire de un homme de Ste Foy, Quebec
I was trying to acquire perspective on the world of gold by getting far away from the supposedly experts of all names that no-one had previously heard of, like the Jim Rickard, this other unknown, that other newcomer, etc…. They put their grain of salt on everything as if they were knowledgeable, like « the […]
Gold and gold stocks, it is “high noon” at $1300…
Please view the three latest articles below this one… just scroll down Gold and gold stocks, It is “high noon” at $1300 About four years ago I wrote that a very knowledgeable gold mining person who has been an excellent source of information told me that there was a private meeting in a “large east coast […]
Good for Gold now…
Visit our site for our view on the stock market which suggest that investing in the most undervalued stocks in the most undervalued sector, mining stocks will soon reward their investors
Our forecast and expectaion of a major bull market in Gold, gold stocks and many commodities depends on a bear market occuring in the industrial stock market. That would include stocks in the Dow Averages and S&P 500. Our analysis suggests that a bear market is happening right now. For gold and mining stock investors […]